Monday, June 22, 2009

Three Gonjiros Update 2


Those Gonjiros are driving me nuts with their voracious appetites and growth spurts.

The first female Sanke is now 47cm, up 10cm from 37cm in April 2009 and 40cm in May 2009.

The second female sanke is also 47cm cm, up 11cm from 36cm in April 2009 and 40cm in May 2009.
The third sanke is 49cm, up 12 cm from 37cm in April 2009 and 43cm in May 2009.
I think they are fast catching up from pent up growth in the dealer's pond.
So far, they are progressing well;)

Ai Goromo

This Ai Goromo would be four years old by now, and from his body who would have thought he is male. He is 70cm, and is a voracious eater.

I bowled him up today to have a good look. Someone said that goromos do not do well in hot weather, like goshikis and ochiba shigure.

Not bad at all for a male.

