Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Lives & Times Of 2 Wayward Kois

This story first appeared in Sept 2007 on Malaysia Koi Forum:

Once in a while, you come across a koi that passes the "Blink" test in an instant, but then many rational arguments come up later against buying it. Recently, it happened to me, not once but twice in a row, but I decided to follow my instincts.

The first is Olivia, a 36cm Sekiguchi Sanke (they won at All Japan for their famous showas). There she was, a leftover koi, listless and scrawny with a pinched hungry look that reminds one of "bowl in hand" Oliver with her ragged floral kimono running like watercolors in the rain. After a week in quarantine, she's off the blocks living life with a vengeance.

The second is Armstrong, a 34cm Kujaku (breeder unknown) who was down and out with 2 large and deep ulcers, teetering on the brink of death. I picked her up from the dealer when she recovered sufficiently, and after a week in quarantine with wounds still visible, she is living life so strongly that she would have made Lance Armstrong proud.

I know I am breaking all the rules -- never buy leftover or sick kois, but hey -- what is life without breaking a rule or two? Especially when my fearsome Headmaster is not hovering nearby, and these two do deserve a second shot at life.

So, do join me and wish the two of them Good Luck -- they will need all the luck they can get to fulfil their potential. Go kois go -- Gambate, Gambate!! Mine is the easy part, feeding them well and keeping the water clean.

Read More here:
After 7 months, I bowled both fishes up today for a good look today:

Armstrong grew from 34cm in Sept 2007 to 52cm in May 2008. 18cm in 7 months! She won 2nd Prize for Hikarimono 50bu Class at the Malaysia Koi Show in March 2008!

Olivia went from 36cm to 58cm, a good 22cm growth in 7 months! I did not enter Olivia for the Koi Show as she is still a future koi.

These 2 kois have given me much joy over the last few months rescuing them and grooming them to their full potential:)

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